Presenting on Analytics Success to the PoweringON programme
The VentureCentre in Tauranga delivers a programme called PoweringON - a Business Owner focused programme aimed to increase their digital capability. The programme delivers presentations by local subject matter experts and on the evening of 30 March 2022, I gave a presentation on “Analytics - the importance of measuring success”.
The focus of the presentation is how critical it is to set up tracking on your business website so you are able to measure conversions. Every business website is different so a conversion is different as well. If you sell online, you want to know when you make a sale but for many businesses a conversion can be submitting a contact form or downloading a PDF.
The presentation covered using Google Tag Manager to configure your custom analytics tracking, pushing all the data to Google Analytics and then reporting through Google Data Studio. To find out more about what I can do to help your business take advantage of your analytics, Contact Us.
Nick presenting to the PoweringON programme at Base Station, Tauranga