SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

According to Wikipedia “Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.”

In reality what happens for most websites is that you only rank at the top of the page for searches that include the name of your company or one of your brands. The goal of SEO is to move you up the rankings for searches related to the type of product or service that you offer.

Technical SEO

This is a review of the website structure, checking for issues such as broken links, broken and over-sized images, missing titles and headings and many more potential issues.

This Technical SEO Review should be performed at least once per quarter to ensure that the website is in optimal condition or every 6 months if website content is rarely changing.

The report you receive will make recommendations on improvements but also rank these improvements to show which are the easiest to make and are likely to have the most effect.

Content SEO

This review covers the content of the website and how well it is performing against your chosen set of keywords. A tool such as Google Search Console will tell you how your pages are ranking against search terms and this review looks at how these rankings can be improved over time.

Part of a Content SEO Report will recommend new content that can be written to support the targeted keywords. A content SEO report should be undertaken every 3/6 months.

By displaying the Google Search Console data in Data Studio, we are able to track the progress of organic traffic and quickly spot opportunities for growth.

The graph below shows a reasonable target for 5 years for a brand new website launched in 2017. It shows that investment is made early on in digital advertising but as your content strategy starts working then organic traffic increases and digital advertising reduces.

Traffic year on year