Google Analytics 4 Bounce Rate

The Google Analytics 4 Bounce Rate is the percentage of non-Engaged Sessions.

Google Analytics 4 has recently introduced Bounce Rate, a well known metric in Google Analytics 3 (GA-UA). Note: GA4 Bounce Rate cannot be compared with GA-UA Bounce Rate as they are not derived in the same way.

A bounced session is defined in GA4 as a non-engaged session - so it is effectively the inverse of the GA4 Engagement Rate. If your Engagement Rate is 58.43% then your Bounce Rate is 41.57%. Engagement Rate and Bounce Rate always adds up to 100% - the one you use will depend on whether you are a “glass half full” or “glass half empty” sort of person!

The GA4 Engagement Rate is the percentage of Engaged Sessions - the higher the percentage the better (as opposed to the GA-UA bounce rate where a lower percentage was preferable).

An engaged session is one that meets any of these 3 requirements

  • Stayed on the page with the window active for 10 or more seconds (10 seconds is the default - within GA4 admin you can adjust the threshold to 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 seconds) OR

  • Visited 2 or more pages OR

  • Triggered a conversion event.


Google Analytics 4 Thresholds


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